Supreme Court upheld section 6A of Indian citizenship Act 1955

Supreme Court of India upheld section 6a of the Indian citizenship act 1955, key provision of this act are as follows.

Problem of illegal migrants from Bangladesh

After independence there was a need to make an election for the country for which there was highly needed task was to create a role of citizens that will confirm which people belong to India and which people belong to other state after the partition of India in to Pakistan and Bangladesh which is also known as East Pakistan

Act 1955 provide the legal Framework for the people to acquire citizenship on various ground and become the citizen of India full stop this act clearly mention the way through which any people residing in India are people outside India can get sedensive through this act by providing the all required document and other thing during the application process.

Section 6A of citizenship act 1955
Section 6A of Indian citizenship act 1955

From the beginning of independence of India from the British crown people from the Bangladesh always try to come into India illegally and became migrant in India so, to check this illegal migration from Bangladesh to India there was a section 6 way inserted into schedules act 1955 in 1985 which will declare that which people are legly came to India and become citizen of India and which people can become citizen of India and which are not Sedan of India and will be treated as the illegal migrained and their citizenship will be deleted and they will be deported to their country which is known as Bangladesh.

Discussion on section 6A of India’s leadership act 1985

After the long discussion on the section 6 of Indian citizenship act 1955 Supreme Court of held this decision that all the thing mention in the section 6a of Indian citizenship act 1955 is right and valid and it will continue to identify the illegal migraine to India and will be deported to their original country.

Section 6a of Indian citizenship act 1955 highlight the three key provision through which this dealing will happen for identifying the legal person in India residing in Assam and and it’s different part.

Person who entered India from Bangladesh before 1st of January 1966 all the migrants who entered India from Bangladesh before 1st of January 1966 will be treated as a citizen of India if they are residing from 1 January 1966 till date and does not have any criminal record again the Indian government then he will be treated as and Indian citizen.

person who entered India between first of January 1966 to 24th of March 1971 will be treated as a citizens of India as if they provides of its length document that they have taken the permission of related Authority of India to decide in India and they have provided a citizenship of India only then he will be treated as a proper citizen of India and their name will be written in the electoral roll and they will be able to cast their vote in election as other Indians.

Supreme court also said that the migrant inter Assam from Bangladesh after 24 of March 1971 will be treated as illegal migrant and their name in electoral roll will be deleted and they will be certainly deported to their original country Bangladesh.

Way forward

In this way Supreme Court of India said that all the provision mention in section 6a of the Indian citizenship act 1955 is correctly prevailed and this will act as a ground for deciding a person there nationality and finding out wrong person entered in India and their depotation to their original country. Hence we can say that Supreme Court appeal the section 6a of Indian citizenship act 1955 will be ground breaking decision for deciding proper Indian citizen having the Faithful contribution in Indian development program and India will be motherland for the legal person and other will be treated as a migrant.

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Who provide the legal framework to become Indian citizen?

Indian citizenship act 1955 provide the legal framework to become the Indian citizen.

What happened to a person is not found to be an Indian citizen?

If a person found not to be an Indian citizen then he will be deported to their original country.

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